Proceeding International Conference On Health, Social Sciences And Technology 2021-12-22T15:55:08+00:00 Dr. Ira Kusumawaty, S.Kp, M.Kes, MPH Open Journal Systems The Influence of the TANDUR Learning Model on the Ability of Nurse Practices in Wound Nursing Care at Dr. H. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja OKU Hospital 2021-05-21T14:32:40+00:00 Ni Ketut Sujati Aisyah Aisyah <p>Abstract - Continuing education is needed by nurses to improve their cometry. Education will succeed when using appropriate and fun methods, which ensures participants practice learning by presenting high interest. The syntax of the TANDUR model is the following abbreviation, Grow learning interest by knowing what benefits it is for me, Experience all processes, name it by identifying all the terms that exist, Demonstrate so as to obtain a psychomotor experience, repeat so that the memory process is deeper and celebrated. Issues that develop in nursing services related to the need for improvement in nurse competence are modern wound care known as the principle of moisture balance. The method developed and proven to be more effective is moist dressing. The research objectives are: Analyzing the effectiveness of TANDUR learning on the ability of nurses' practice in wound care nursing with the principle of Moisture Balance at Dr. H Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja OKU Hospital. Research Method: This study uses a quasi experiment method. Samples were taken from a random population of nurses in 21 case groups and 21 control groups. The data analysis of this study used the dependent and Independent t test obtained the results of P 0, 033, meaning that the TANDUR learning model effectively improved the nurse's practice ability in wound care. TANDUR learning models can be used in any learning in all learning activities. It is recommended that nurses develop themselves by applying the TANDUR learning model to the process of developing practical abilities.</p> 2021-05-21T14:11:11+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effectiveness of Using Peanut Ball on the Progress of 1st Stage of Chhild Birth in BPM Palembang City 2021-05-21T14:29:48+00:00 Eprila Eprila Nur Purnama Sari Nurul Hidayati Nova Dwi Meilati <p>Abstract - As many as 99% of maternal deaths due to labor or birth problems occur in developing countries. One reason is the length of progress of labor accompanied by pain in uterine contractions. Birth ball is a physical therapy ball that helps mothers in their first year to a position that helps the progress of labor. A physical therapy that helps the progress of labor and can be used in various positions. One of the movements is by sitting on the ball and rocking back and forth. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of using peanutball on the progress of first-stage labor on maternity at the PalembangCity BPM in 2018. Method: The research method used was Quasi Experiment. The population of this study was maternity at 3 BPM in Palembang as many as 30 respondents, namely 15 control respondents and 15 respondents treated with purposive sampling technique. The measuring instruments used are observation and partograph sheets. Test statistical data using an independent T-test. The results of this study indicate that the average length of labor in the treatment group was 3.00. While in the control group is 4.60. The value of p value = 0.003, so based on the Independent T-test Test the value of p value &lt;0.05. So that it can be concluded that the treatment group showed more effective compared to the control group in increasing the progress of labor in multigravida maternity at the first time in the BPM of Palembang City with an average difference of 1 hour faster than the control group. This study can provide benefits for students for learning, for relevant agencies Can provide information, knowledge and insight to health agencies, especially Midwifery students and for health workers and other researchers.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effects of Hypnobreastfeeding Audio on Postpartum Mothers Anxiety in Palembang Midwife Independent Practice 2021-05-21T14:39:56+00:00 Kharisma Virgian Desy Setiawati <p>Abstract - The most common problems that arise in the process of breastfeeding is anxiety of postpartum mothers. Mom often feels unsure and not confident that she is able to give enough milk to her baby. Hypnobreastfeeding is a relaxation technique to help smooth the process of breastfeeding and the process of removing milk. The purpose of this study is to influence the Audio Hypnobreastfeeding on postpartum maternal anxiety in the Midwife Independent Practice of Palembang. This research uses non- random sampling with a sample size of 67 respondents. The sample in this study were 24-hour postpartum mothers who gave birth at Midwife Independent Practice of Teti Herawati, Ch. Mala and Meli Rosita Palembang. Quasi Experiment research design using a pretest and posttest control-group design approach. Postpartum maternal anxiety levels were measured before and after being given Audio Hypnobreastfeeding using the HARS (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale) instrument. The results showed that there was a significant difference between maternal anxiety levels before and after being given Audio Hypnobreastfeeding with Marginal Homogeneity Test ρ = 0,000 (&lt;α = 0.005).Hypnobreastfeeding Audio has an effect on the reduction of postpartum maternal anxiety. The suggestion in this study was that midwives could further improve their ability to provide Hypnobreastfeeding to postpartum mothers and conduct to development of audio media into an android application.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Toddler Biscuit With Addition of Patin Flour and Pandan Leaves Extract Along with Acceptability Test 2021-05-27T14:46:05+00:00 Imelda Telisa Indriani Ayu Lestari Khusnul Alifia Arrizki Suci Prihatinningsih <p>Abstract - Stunting is a major nutritional problem facing Indonesia. Based on Pemantauan Status Data (PSG) for the past three years, stunting has the highest prevalence compared to other nutritional problems such as malnutrition, wasting and obesity. The prevalence of toddlers stunting has increased from 2016 which is 27.5% to 29.6% in 2017. Biscuits can be enjoyed from infants to the elderly with different biscuit compositionsaccording to their needs. Biscuits have a longer shelf life and practically brought as provisions for healthy and nutritiousfood. Since 2009, wheat flour as a raw material for biscuits wasobtained not from within the country (imported), which meanst requires a large cost to obtain these raw materials. This study was an experimental study using a Completely RandomizedDesign (CRD) and friedman non parametric data analysis.Organoleptic test show that there is a relationship betweenacceptability with the addition of patin flour in terms of biscuitsn terms of taste (p = 0,000), texture (p = 0.005), aroma (p =0,000), and color (p = 0.005 ). The results of physical analysis showed that the biscuits most favored by the panelists were formulas P0 and P1. The formula chosen as a potential biscuit to reduce the risk of stunting is P3 biscuits, which have a nutritional composition of 18.84% protein, 28.02% fat, and 41.25% carbohydrate. </p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Educational Data Mining to Predict Students Performance Based on Deep Learning Neural Network 2021-05-27T14:52:00+00:00 Mussa S Abubakari Suprapto Suprapto <p>Recently, educational data mining has become very helpful in decision making in an educational context and hence improving students’ academic outcomes. Thus, the goal of this study was to create a predictive model to predict students’&nbsp; academic performance based on a neural network algorithm. Authors implemented a Neural Network data mining technique using Anaconda 3 as datamining tool to extract knowledge patterns from student’s dataset consisting of 131 students with 22 attributes for each student. The classification metric used is accuracy as the model quality measurement. The result indicates that when SGD optimizer was applied, the accuracy was below 80%. While, when Adam optimization technique was applied the accuracy improved to more than 96% which is more than a satisfactory percentage for our predictive model. This indicates that the suggested NN model can be reliable for prediction, especially in social science studies like education.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Relationship between Mothers’ Knowledge with Diarrhea Prevention in Toddlers 2021-06-08T11:51:34+00:00 Indah Dewi Ridawati Bintoro Nugroho <p>Diarrhea is a condition that is not normal feces expenditure or unusual, characterized by an increase in volume, thinned, and the frequency is more than three&nbsp; times a day. The prevalence of diarrhea diseases is increasing, the total cases of diarrhea diseases listed in the Work Area Air Lais sub-district Community Health centers Padang Jaya in 2014 reached 230 cases. This happens because the prevention of diarrhea diseases has not been done optimally by Padang Jaya sub-district community. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between knowledge with prevention of diarrhea disease in toddlers. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional design. The sample in this study were mothers with children under five by purposive sampling technique. The participants of this research was 95 mothers and statistical analysis using chi square. Results of the analysis found correlation between maternal knowledge with efforts to prevent diarrhea disease in toddlers (ρ value = 0.000). Expected health workers can improve the promotion for better health and increasing efforts to prevent diarrhea diseases that can be carried by mothers as a prevention of diarrhea disease in Toddlers.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Related Factors To Development Of Pre-School Age Children In An-Nida Early Childhood Education Lubuklinggau City 2021-06-08T11:59:51+00:00 Nadi Aprilyadi Ira Kusumawaty Yunike Yunike Yeni Elviani <p>Growth and development in the pre-school is a fundamental stage of a very influential and became the foundation for the later development (Adriana, 2013). Each phase of the development of the potential for interference, resulting from the influence of various factors. Basic factors or traits and environmental factors or education becomes ghal important to know in order to avoid disruption in the child's development. The purpose of this study was determine the factors associated with the development of preschoolers. The method used is observational analytic cross sectional study. The amount sample of this study were 108 preschool children in Early Childhood Education (ECD). The used sampling technique was purposive sampling. Univariate data analysis using frequency&nbsp; distribution, bivariate analysis using chi-square, and multivariate logistic regression test. To find child development Denver II used methods that assess the development of social behavior, fine motor movement, gross motor movement and language. To get the data of participation in early childhood<br>education, birth weight, parenting, sex, nutritional status, maternal education and education dad used questionnaires filled out by parents, whereas for assessing the nutritional status of use Registration Form Nutritional Status Monitoring (PSG) Toddler. The results of the study Test chi-square produce five independent variables (participation ECD, birth weight, parenting, sex and nutritional status) that have a significant relationship with the development of preschoolers and variable father's education and mother's education obtained does not have a meaningful relationship. Logistic regression analysis performed determine which variables most associated with motor development of preschool children is variable participation.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Difference of Regulatory T Cells, Interleukin 10, Interleukin 6, Interferon (IFN)Γ, and Indoleamin Dioksigenase (IDO) Levels in Women With High and Low ASA A Research Article 2021-06-08T12:36:31+00:00 Nani Sari Murni Indra Gusti Mansur <p>Unexplained infertility can be caused by various factors, including genetic, immunological, and idiopathic. One of the immunological factors that play a role in unexplained infertility is antisperm antibodies (ASA). About 10-30% of infertile couples are caused by ASA. This study wanted to analyze differences in cellular specific immune components namely regulator T cells and humoral immune components (cytokines IL10, IL6, IFNγ, and IDO) in women with high ASA and low ASA. Samples with high and low ASA were examined ASA titres using the husband's sperm auto-agglutination test (HSAaT) method. Each group of 6 samples were analyzed, so that the total is 12 samples. Tregs were evaluated using flow cytometry with the human forkhead box P3 (FoxP3) staining kit of Biotech and Device. Serum IL10, IL6, and IFNγ was determined using an Abcam ELISA kit. Serum IDO was determined using an RnD ELISA kit. The data were analysed<br>using the Mann-whitney tests. There are differences in the Tregs population (p = 0.004), IL10 (p = 0.002), IFNγ (p = 0.002) and IDO (p = 0.041) but there is no difference IL6 levels (p 0.240) in women with high and low ASA. High ASA affects of the Tregs population, IL10, IFNγ, and IDO but has no effect on IL6 cytokines</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Anuloma Viloma in Reducing Labor Pain First Stage 2021-06-09T14:29:33+00:00 Nesi Novita Riska Susanti Pasaribu Deby Cyntia Yun <p>Efforts to apply maternal care for mothers include supporting mothers who will be giving birth by guiding mothers in relaxation techniques, one of which is breathing technique. At present there are still many problems with labor wherein women experience fears about the obvious or the unclear, tension and hyperventilation caused by the mother breathing deeply and quickly, so that the pain during contractions increases. According to several studies of mothers in the first stage, they experienced more pain in the waist and back, so the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of aniloma viloma in reducing pain in the first stage of labor. This study was a quasi experiment nonequivalent control group. The dependent variable in this study was first stage labor pain and the independent variable was the villoma anuloma technique. The number of samples in this study were 28 people. Statistical tests using the two-sample T-test, the dependent sample t-test, then multivariate analysis, namely linear regression. Independent t-test results show that pregnant women who are older than 35 years slower 0.44 experience labor pain compared to pregnant women who are less than or equal to 35 years old. Statistical test results obtained that there is no relationship between maternal age during pregnancy and experiencing labor pain. This shows that there is no significant difference between labor pain in high-risk pregnant women and low-risk pregnant women (p value = 0.858).</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Addition of Pumpkin Yellow Seed Flour on Characteristics and Acceptance of Roll Cake 2021-06-09T14:34:31+00:00 Eliza Eliza Risma Royanda Maisela Suciati Tiara Anggraini <p>Yellow pumpkin (curcubita moschata) is a plant whose meat is often used by the community as food, whether it is only processed through the steaming process or as an additional ingredient in various preparations. In addition to pumpkin flesh, there are pumpkin seeds which can also be used as food. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding pumpkin seed flour to the characteristics and acceptability of roll cake. This type of research used in this study is an experimental study using a Static Group Comparison research design with 4 treatments 100%: 0% (P0), 75%: 25% (P1), 50%: 50% (P2) and, 0 %: 100% (P3). Computerized dataprocessing is presented in the form of narration and tables. Data analysis was performed by SPSS. The results of this research show that P2 is the panel's most preferred sample with a hedonic assessment score of 4,55 color, taste 4,34 , texture 4,48, aroma 4,24 while the nutritional value of the sample consists of water content, ash content, fat content, protein content, and carbohydrate content respectively 44.37%; 1.22%; 10.97%; 10.39%; and 33.06%.The effect of adding pumpkin seed flour to organoleptic characteristics in the manufacture of roll cake has a very significant effect such as; color, taste, texture,flavour. Roll cake with the addition of pumpkin seed flour with a percentage of 50%: 50% has the highest level of preference over organoleptic parameters compared to other roll cake products.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors That Associated with Good Corporate Governance (GCG) to Non Medic Employee Performance at Islamic Hospital Khadijah Palembang 2019 2021-12-22T15:55:08+00:00 Aannisah Fauzaania Dian Eka Anggreny <p>Republic of Indonesia Law Number 44 of 2009 concerning hospitals in Article 33 paragraph 1 states that Every hospital must have an effective, efficient and&nbsp; accountable organization. The purpose of this research is to know the factors related to the performance of employees at Siti Khadijah Palembang Hospital 2019. The population in this study was 217 employees with a sample of 68 non-medical employees chosen by accidental sampling. Data collection was done by questionnaire in May 2019, then analyzed using chi square test with α = 5% and multivariate analysis with logistic regression test. The results obtained p value of accountability (p = 0.001 and OR = 7.292), transparency (p = 0,000, OR= 11,840) and fairness (p = 0.004, OR = 5,630). The results of multivariate analysis obtained the most dominant variable is transparency (p= 0.005) and has probability value 8.98%, which means that employees who feel that accountability, transparency, and fairness of hospitals are good, may also have a good performance 8.98%. The conclusion is there is a relationship between accountability, transparency, and fairness in good corporate governance on the performance of non-medical employees. It is suggested that the Siti Khadijah Palembang Hospital to implement the GCG better.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Functional Foods for Reducing the Risk of Various Chronic Diseases 2021-07-08T09:00:24+00:00 D A Shabayek Rimbawan Rimbawan S Budiyanto TC. Maigoda <p>Global epidemic of obesity is growing at an unprecedented pace and has become one of the world's most important public health issues. Obesity contributes to multiple metabolic conditions, such as respiratory problems, elevated blood pressure, and diabetes. Obesity is a disease often induced by bad eating and an unhealthy lifestyle. Globally more than 650 million obese and 1.9 billion overweight people. It is necessary to have an alternative food that is fast and practical<br>in its preparation but meets the standard nutritional requirements for healthy living. Breakfast is important for the body because it can restore blood glucose levels so that improve memory and concentration level well. Regardless of the benefits of breakfast, people's busy schedules in recent times have resulted in ignoring breakfast. For this reason, this Study shows health benefits of some plant based functional food to reduce the risk of various chronic diseases (Obesity).</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pineapple Fruit and Stem Chewing PreventsDental Plaque pH Drop after Meals 2021-06-09T14:54:47+00:00 Naning Nur Handayatun David Rudi Karin Tika Fitria <p>Eating Fruit has long believed given good benefit not only for the body but also for dental health. Any sugar contact with the teeth after meals will make a pH drop in dental plaque which can lead to enamel demineralization and tooth decay in a period of time. Pineapple has Bromelain as antibacterial agent and mostly found in the stem and at small amount in the fruit. This research conducted to assess the effect of Pineapple chewingto the dental plaque pH and to compare the effect of pineapple fruit and stem chewing on dental plaque pH. We recruited 10 subjects (aged 19-22 years) with free caries to chewed 100 grams of pineapple fruit and 2 grams of pineapple stem after eating plaque inducer meals. Dental plaque were collected at 4 consecutive time (before chewing pineapple, 25 minutes after chewing, 50 minutes after chewing and 75 minutes after chewing) followed by pH measurement of the dental plaque. Our finding showed that the Dental plaque pH drop from 6.1 to 5.7 for control while for pineapple fruit group the pH drop from 6.35 to 6.04 and for Pineapple stem group were 6.20 to 6.09. When compared the Dental plaque pH after Pineapple chewing between the 100 grams of fruit and 2 gram of stem, no significant difference were found.<br>But when compared with control (without Pineapple chewing), significant difference were found at 25 minutes after pineapple stem (p=0.021) and at 75 minutes after Pineapple fruit (p=0.005) and Pineapple stem (p=0.012) chewing. Chewing fruit was effective to prevent the Dental plaque pH drop after eating meals. Chewing 2 grams of pineapple stem showed no significant difference with chewing 100 grams of pineapple fruit.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Giving Garcinia Formula as An Alternative Food to Increase Weight and Hemoglobin Levels of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients 2021-06-09T15:01:13+00:00 Susyani Susyani Nur Sabrina Ismah Eddy Susanto <p>Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis which attacks the lungs. Patients with pulmonary TB can be cured with OAT therapy which is consumed regularly for 6 months. There are side effects that cause symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, etc., which causes a little intake of nutrients so that it affects weight loss, and deficiency of protein and iron due to lack of nutrient intake causes hemoglobin levels to decrease. Management of<br>weight loss and hemoglobin levels in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis includes pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapies that can be supported throughsupplementary feeding such as Formula Garcinia. Objectives:&nbsp; To determine the effect of giving Garcinia Formula as additional food for gaining body&nbsp; weight and hemoglobin levels for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the Pulmonary Specialty Hospital in South Sumatera. Research Design is a quasiexperiment<br>with a pretest and posttest study design, analysis of data used is the Wilcoxon and Mann Whitney tests. Results. In the Wilcoxon test results were obtained if the treatment group or comparison both had an effect on gaining body weight and hemoglobin levels. Based on the Mann Whitney test showed that there was a significant effect in the administration of the Garcinia Formula for gaining body weight and hemoglobin levels (p = 0.000, p = 0.008) Conclusion. There is an effect of giving Garcinia Formula as additional food for gaining body weight and hemoglobin level for pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the Pulmonary Specialty Hospital in South Sumatera</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Utilization of Home Care Using Standard Acupunture and Post Particular Painting Intensity to Reduce Post Sectio Cesarea Pain Intensity in Hospital Mitra Sejati Medan 2021-06-09T15:06:13+00:00 Siska Suci Triana Ginting Lisa Putri Damanik Herna Rina Yanti Manurung Zulkarnaen Batubara <p>The mortality rate in cesarean section is 40-80 per 100,000 live births. This figure shows a 25x greater risk than labor through vaginal delivery. One Day Care service prevents patients from nosocomial infections because patients do not need to be treated long in the hospital so they can reduce costs incurred by patients. The purpose of this research is to gain more knowledge and understand about health care at home (home care) with standardized acupuncture and puerperal care techniques to reduce the intensity of post sectio pain in the area. Pre and post test research methods. The technique of measuring the decrease in pain intensity in this study was the researcher went to the Sectio Caesarea postoperative mother on the first day and intervened on postoperative pain and pain<br>measurement, then the researcher performed acupuncture. The results of the study have the effect of the use of acupuncture therapy on pain reduction in post partum SC mothers.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation of Therapeutic Communication Nurse to Patient at the wards of Ernaldi Bahar Hospital in South Sumatra Province 2021-06-09T15:10:38+00:00 Raden Surahmat Ayu Devita Citra Dewi Mareta Akhriansyah <p>Therapeutic communication is an important process in the treatment process for ODGJ, at this time mental illness sufferers are increasing, but there are some obstacles in the implementation of therapeutic communication. This study aims to determine the implementation of therapeutic communication by nurses at Ernaldi Bahar Hospital in South Sumatra Province in 2019. This research was conducted on 9 February-18 July 2019, using descriptive methods. a sample of 40 nurses using a questionnaire. The results obtained by the data that the implementation of therapeutic communication in the good category (62.5%) with details (1) nurses need to prepare themselves before communicating (63%), nurses have made an interaction plan (97%), (3) say hello when starting communication (70%), (4) introducing themselves to patients (67%), (5) asking the patient's condition (70%), (6) asking the patient's name (67%), (7) listening to therapeutic<br>communication actively and fully attention (67%), (8) summarizing the results of communication (67%), (9) asking the patient's feelings after interacting (67%), (10) making further interaction contracts (60%). Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the implementation of therapeutic communication by nurses to patients is in the good category, but there needs to be an increase again especially in the final stages of interaction. That is, by contracting further activities so that therapeutic communication can be carried out continuously throughout the patient nurse process while in the hospital. It is recommended to use therapeutic communication in accordance with the stages in order to establish a trusting relationship between nurses and mental patients and facilitate nurses in handling, caring for, and fostering mental patients.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Patient Satisfaction of Health Services In The Hospital 2021-06-09T15:14:36+00:00 Ita Riani Muliyadi Muliyadi Sri Yulia <p>Patient satisfaction is one indicator of service quality. This Study aims to the description of patient satisfaction for health care on Hospital Palembang. This&nbsp; research was a quantitative descriptive study with a descriptive survey design.&nbsp; The research sample was 154 respondents, selected through cluster sampling.<br> Data collection was done through the HCAHPS questionnaire. Univariat analysis used in this study. The results showed that the average percentage of patient satisfaction from six aspects was 85.37 %, with the highest percentage of satisfaction in the aspect of doctor services 92.37% followed by Nursing services 90.22%, hospital services 86.20%, patient experience services at the Hospital 82.68%, and aspects of providing information 80.86% and the lowest percentage of satisfaction in the aspect of hospital rank 79.92%. Conclusion A number of satisfaction aspects have not met the minimum service standards and require&nbsp; improvement efforts</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Printed Material Model as a Drug Information Services For Patient Refer-Back in National Insurance of Health 2021-06-09T15:19:26+00:00 Sarmalina Simamora Ratnaningsih Ratnaningsih Tedi Tedi <p>Each drug has a dose, administration, frequency, even different usage times. The incorrect usage can reduce its&nbsp; effectiveness even can make it more dangerous general, when dispensing at the pharmacy, the provision of information is made by writing simple rules of use called the label and is equipped with a little verbal information. Moreover, this may not be remembered by the patient if the patient receives many items of medicine. A study has been designed by providing&nbsp; posters and brochures of some diabetes drugs that are often used in JKN participants to measure the blood glucose level before and after an intervention. This is intervention research with pre and posttest group designs. Thirty respondents received oral anti-diabetes or injections without comorbidities. The assessment is carried out on the respondent's knowledge and its impact on the blood glucose level. The printed material model is given in A4 size poster and smaller size&nbsp; brochure according to the name of the drug received by the patient. The impact of providing printed information on respondents' knowledge was measured with the ttest, comparing before and after being given an intervention after 30 days later. The results showed significant differences (p &lt;0.05) in knowledge and blood glucose levels of respondents before andafter being given posters and drug information brochures. Conclusion: providing adequate drug information through<br>&nbsp;printed materials can improve knowledge and positively impact people's blood glucose levels with diabetes.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect Of Elderly Gym With Brain Gym To Improvement Of Cognitives In Elderly At The Simalingkar Puskesmas In 2020 2021-06-07T13:15:50+00:00 Eva Ratna Dewi Eka Falentina Tarigan Nur Azizah <p>Elderly is characterized by a biological decline experienced it can be seen by physical deterioration, one of which is cognitive decline. Cognitive function is related to physical activity that affects its structure and function. Every physical movement that is made by provides an impression to the brain. Elderly gym and brain gym doing regularly have a positive impact on improving organs and brain function. The research objective was to determine the effect of elderly gym with brain gym to improvement of cognitives in elderly at the simalingkar puskesmas in 2020.This kinds of research is a quasi-experimental research and the design used is a pre-test post-test research design with a control group design. The research subjects consisted of 15 elderly in the control group and 15 elderly in the intervention group. The&nbsp; instrument measurement used to assess cognitive function is the Mini Mental State Examination. The bivariate analysis used was<br>the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-witney test.The effect of elderly gym on cognitive improvement with the Wilcoxon test resulted in the value of p = 0.000, the effect of brain gym in the intervention group obtained results for a value of p = 0.000. Elderly gym and brain gym have an impact on cognitive enhancement. As well as the difference in the effect of elderly gym and brain gym on cognitive enhancement in the elderly with the Mann Witney test, the result is that the value of p = 0.948. Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected so that it can be concluded that it has the same effect of elderly gym and brain gym on cognitive enhancement in the elderly at Simalingkar Health Center.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Bradley and Hypnobirthing Models in an Antenatal Class to Overcome Anxiety for Pregnant Women at PMB and Puskesmas, Palembang City 2019 2021-09-09T14:51:34+00:00 Heni Sumastri Ellita Vasra <p>Pregnancy and childbirth are natural processes that women experience in their life cycle. Obstruction induced by anxiety and pain at delivery can lead to<br>artificial interventions such as a C-section (SC). In 2011, the percentage of SC increased dramatically to 30-80% in private hospitals in Indonesia. The bad impact of<br>pregnant women anxiety triggers the stimulation of uterine contractions. The result of this condition can increase blood pressure so that it can trigger preeclampsia and miscarriage (Maharani, 2008 in Novriani, 2017). The purpose of this research is to see the effect of health education Hypnobirthing (done by<br>officers) and the Bradley Method (husband - trained to do affirmations). Quasi experimental research design with pre and post methods. Research sites at PKM<br>Pembina Palembang and BPM Husniyati Palembang. The population was all third trimester pregnant women and samples after the study for each intervention<br>amounted to 22 for pre intervention and 22 for intervention pots so that the total sample was 44 respondents.The results showed that the age of respondents at low risk was 86.4%, low parity was 18 people (81.8%) and respondents who worked were 7 people (31.8%). There were significant differences before<br>and after the intervention both Hypnoprenatal (: p value = 0, 000) and the Bradley method (p value = 0.024). There is no difference before and after Hypnoprenatal intervention: p Value = -0.069, Bradley Method: p Value = 0.418. The results of the correlation test on hypnoprenatal p value = 0.106 and the Bradley method p value = -0.183 means that there is no influence before and&nbsp; after the intervention. Suggestions are expected that after this research, the self hypnosis manual that the author has made becomes a reference or reference for mothers in doing hypnosis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Facade Proportion of Three-Bengkilas Limas House in Palembang, South Sumatra, Indonesia 2021-05-25T15:03:57+00:00 Ibnu Aziz Ari Siswanto Ngakan Putu Sueca Dadang Hikmah Purnama <p>Abstract - The vernacular housing was built in certain proportions for various reasons ranging from practicality to aesthetics. This study aims to explore the proportion of the facade in a limas house with three bengkilas in Palembang City so that it can bring up certain ratios in determining the proportion of buildings. A total of eight types of limas houses were studied representing 30 limas houses in Palembang City. Measurements were made on the physical dimensions of the house such as length, width, and height in various variations. The results found that there was a 3:1 ratio for the width of the house compared to the height of the roof, a 1:1 ratio for the width of the house to the height of the house, a 5:1 ratio for the length of the house to the height of the back room,a 0.35 ratio for the height of the peak roof with the total buildings height, and a number of other ratios. These results contribute to the formulation of ratios in theproportion of limas houses in particular and other vernacular house in general.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Family-Based Education on Exclusive Breastfeeding to Optimize Child Development in the Golden Period 2021-06-09T16:07:38+00:00 Tetti Seriati Situmorang Riska Susanti Pasaribu Deby Cyntia Yun Isyos Sari Sembiring <p>During golden period, the brain experienced the fastest development in the history of its life, up to 80%. Breast milk is the best food in early life. Exclusive breastfeeding coverage has not been achieved. Several reasons are the cause, namely: the length of time when the milk comes out the first time you feed,<br>the family /community perception that the cause of the baby crying after being breastfed is because there is not enough milk so that it needs to be given formula milk. This study aims to identify the effect of family-based education on exclusive breastfeeding. The research design used a quasi experiment, pre<br>test and post test with control group design. Starting with pre-test on both groups of respondents, then in the intervention group family-based education was carried out (involving the husband/1 other family member) about exclusive breastfeeding for 3 meetings. The third stage carried out a post test in both groups.<br>The number of respondents was 30 people each group of 15 breastfeeding mothers. Data analysis used Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test. The results showed that there was a significant influence between family-based education on exclusive breastfeeding (p value = 0.028). Naturally, healthy newborn<br>babies can breastfeed, the more frequent breastfeeding of breast milk products will increase so that exclusive breastfeeding is possible to achieve, the knowledge and attitudes of mothers and their families need to be improved. It is recommended that family-based education be implemented to increase the<br>achievement of exclusive breastfeeding.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Potential Goat Milk and Goat Milk Yogurt in Increase Sod Level on Malaria Infections 2021-06-09T16:20:36+00:00 Merinta Sada Anang M Legowo Gemala Anjani <p>Protein in goat milk is the main source of active biopeptides that can produce antioxidants. One of the processed products of fermented goat milk is goat milk <br>yogurt. Yogurt contains bioactive peptides and has antioxidant activity. Yogurt contain lactic acid bacteria. Plasmodium infection will cause an imbalance of antioxidant and make SOD enzyme level decreasing. Goat milk dan yogurt goat milk have potential to increase SOD enzyme level. This research is true&nbsp; experimental study with a post-test only group design. Thirty five female Balb/c mice were divided into: K- (control negative group), K+ (infected malaria), K+DHP (malaria, DHP drug), X1 (malaria, goat milk), X2 (malaria, goat milk, DHP), X3 (malaria, goat milk yogurt), X4 (malaria, goat milk yogurt, DHP). Inoculation of Plasmodium was given as much as 10 7 /0.2 ml. The intervention was given 24 days. SOD enzyme level data collection was performed on the seventh day post inoculation. Dose of goat milk and goat milk yogurt is 0.5 ml/20gBw. Data was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis with Post Hoc Mann-Whitney. The result showed a significant increased on SOD level (p &lt;0.05). The mean SOD level in each group: 20,9 ng/ml (K-); 5,67 ng/ml (K+); 17,85 ng/ml (K+DHP); 9,03 ng/ml (X1); 12,11 ng/ml (X2); 10,84 ng/ml (X3); 18,22 ng/ml (X4). The administration of DHP drugs and Yogurt goat milk (X4) is most effective in increasing SOD levels.<br>Giving DHP drugs and Yogurt goat milk (X4) is more effective in increasing SOD levels than only administering DHP drugs (K+DHP). Giving goat milk yogurt with a<br>dose of 0.5 ml / 20g Bw and DHP drugs can be considered to increase SOD levels in malaria infections.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Color, Microstructure and Crystallinity of Red Rice Flour with Differences in Drying Times and Temperatures 2021-06-09T16:26:05+00:00 Merynda Indriyani Syafutri Friska Syaiful Eka Lidiasari Dela Pusvita Erlita Indah Astari <p>One effort to develop red rice as food is to process it into flour. Drying is one of the stages in the flour processing that must be considered to get flour with good physicochemical characteristics. Time and temperature of drying are some of the factors that influence the physicochemical characteristics of dried food products. This research aimed to study the color changes, microstructure and crystallinity properties of red rice flour which were dried with different times and temperatures. The factors were drying time (1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours) and drying temperature (50, 55, and 60 oC). The results showed that interaction of drying time and drying temperature significantly increased lightness and yellowness, but reduced the redness of red rice flour. Granular morphology images and crystallinity pattern showed that differences in drying time and temperature did not affect the shape of the granules and type of starch of red rice flour. Based on the crystallinity pattern, red rice flour was classified as A- type.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Effect of the Marmet Technique towards the smoothness of breast milk Expression for the mother post partum in BPM Palembang City 2021-06-09T16:29:36+00:00 Murdiningsih Murdiningsih Rohaya Rohaya <p>Data of Public Health Service in Palembang revealed that the coverage of giving Exclusive breastmilk in Palembang in the year of 2015 was 72,91%. In plaju District,the coverage of exclusive breastmilk production was 77%. This coverage was still below the target that was 80%. The amount of breastmilk production in the first day after the childbirth was very small. It was caushed by the lack of two vital hormones in milk production, prolactine hormone and oxytocin hormone stimulus. This problem could be overcome by using the Marmet Technique. The aim of this research was to figure out the effect of the Marmet Technique<br>towards the breast milk expression for the mother postpartum. The research designs used in this research were Pre-Experiment and One Group Pre-test Post-test. To collect the data, purposive sampling techniques was employed with the total of sample 30 respondents. Based on the result of univariate analysis, before the Marmet Technique in the smoothness of breastmilk expression was given, the result was 19 respondents (63,3%). On the other hand, after the treatment was applied, there are 15 respondents (50%). As for thes result of bivariate analysis, ρ value: 0,000 whilst (&lt;α=0,05) which meant that the result was significant. It<br>could be smmarised that the Marmet Technique influenced the smoothness of breast milk expression.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Power Analysis Received, Storage, Nutrition Content, Organoleptic Test and Jingga and Green Processing Processes For Balanced Nutrition Food 2018 2021-06-09T16:33:35+00:00 Rohanta Siregar M Yusuf Susyani Susyani <p>Palembang's ethnic food quality in the form of pempek have a good nutritional content that can be increase its nutritional value in terms of the types of nutrients, namely by adding vitamin C, minerals, and fiber (many of which are found in vegetables and fruits) that have not been found in Palembang's ethnic Pempek food. The purpose of the research is to find out the acceptability and storage power, nutrient content, organoleptic test and proximate orange pempek and green toward balanced nutritional food. The research method is random sampling. The research activities included the determination of 60 panelists (Students of the Unsri Palembang Nutrition Study Program FKM) and 120 respondents from the academic capacity of the Unsri Palembang FKM nutrition study<br>program, held on 22,23,24 October 2018 and 29,30,31 October 2018. While the analysis with univariate and Bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was conducted to describe the data collected and grouped and analyzed with frequency distribution table. Bivariate analysis was used with Analysis Kruskall Wallis on<br>the next 5% tarf if the results showed significantly different followed by the Duncans Multi Range Test (DMRT) test with a level of 5%. The result of this test showing that there are difference between.<br> </p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Relationship Of Family Support To Post Stroke Depression Levels In Outpatient Installation Dr. Kariadi Semarang 2021-06-09T16:37:45+00:00 Saprianto Saprianto Lisa Rizky Amalia Faridah Aini Sukarno Sukarno <p>Introduction: After stroke, patients have biological mpact such as physical changes, and psychological changes uch as post stroke depression (PSD). The impact of a psychological response caused by a loss reaction. Paralysis, tiffness of the limbs, and communication disorders decrease patients in functional ability. As a result, patients become unable to carry out activities independently and will be very dependent on the people around them. The closest people are those who live together with patients or the family. Method: The design of this study was descriptive correlational with a cross ectional design. The sampling technique used quota sampling as many as 60 respondents. The data were collected by questionnaire of respondents characteristics, family support, and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) questionnaire. The data were analyzed by Kendall Tau statistical test. Results: Good family support and no depression as many as 29<br>respondents (60%). Medium family support with mild depression level as many as 7 respondents (58%). Based on the results of the Kendall Tau test analysis, obtain p-value of 0.025 (&lt;0.05). Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between amily support toward post stroke depression levels in outpatient installation of RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Suggestion: Nurses can provide counseling and health education to families to prevent post stroke depression.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Digital Devide An Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impact of Extended Internet Access to University Students During The COVID-19 Lockdown (A Case Study Of Yogyakarta State University) 2021-06-09T16:41:43+00:00 A N Ogbolu Endang Endang <p>Across the globe, it is has been reported that only a little over fifty percent of total households have internet connection. This situation is now being highlighted by the recent outbreak of the SARS CoV – 2 Coronavirus (COVID 19) which has sent the World‟s economy into a downward spiral. Its negative impact on education has seen schools and related businesses shut, while students are now compelled to study from the confines of their homes, many of whom do not<br>have access to the internet. This study examines the socioeconomic impact of the extended [free home-based] internet access provided by Yogyakarta State University, to her students during the COVID -19 lockdown. Convenience and snow-balling sampling techniques were used respectively in this study. Data was collected with the aid of an online questionnaire and descriptive statistics was employed in analyzing the data. The result confirms that the extended<br>internet access provided to students during the COVID -19 lockdown was successful and had a positive impact on the socio-economic lives of the students. The findings from this study will be beneficial to all relevant educational institutions and authorities that may wish to implement similar projects in the future especially amidst a pandemic.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Plasma Absorbance As The Baseline A Simple Method For Correcting The Results Of Blood Glucose Level On Hemolyzed Specimens 2021-06-09T16:46:59+00:00 James Perdinan S Siti Sakdiah Tamrin Tamrin Dyah Eriska Pratiwi <p>Hemolysis on laboratory specimens can be caused by many factors, in vivo, and in vitro. Increased levels of free hemoglobin in the serum specimen can influence the measurement results of the various test. Hemolysis is often difficult to detect properly. Even for serum specimens that appear to be hemolyze, the laboratory does not have a good protocol to avoid errors. This study aims to develop a simple approach that can be carried out in correcting the measured results of laboratory assays. A correction by calculating the plasma absorbance was applied to blood glucose results from hemolyzed specimens. The correction results were then compared with the levels from the same specimens that not hemolyzed. This study was carried out using the experimental method on blood specimens collected from 15 volunteers. Specimens were treated mechanically to produce some specific hemolysates by forced suppressing the blood through a syringe with 23G needle, in 0 to 6 times. In addition to measuring glucose levels, absorbance measurements were also carried out for each specimen diluted in a buffer solution to calculate the increase in light absorbance as the plasma absorbance. All measured data were analyzed using the Repeated Measure ANOVA. In<br>this study, the increase in average levels was occurred according to the frequency of treatment given. The differences in the increasing results of each treatment<br>before being corrected were statistically significant (p &lt;0.01). However, after the measurement baseline was corrected by plasma absorbance, then the difference in all results turned out to be insignificant. (p &gt; 0.05). It can be concluded that the increase in light absorption due to free hemoglobin concentration is the cause of increased results from each hemolysate. However, the measurement of plasma absorbance has been proven as an appropriate procedure for correcting the result of glucose level from hemolyzed specimens before being reported.<br>glucose</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Effect of Family-Based education on the Implementation of Early Breastfeeding Initiation 2021-06-09T16:51:16+00:00 Tetti Seriati Situmorang Edy Marjuang Purba Riska Susanti Pasaribu <p>Breast milk is the best food in early life. The success of Exclusive breasfeeding starts from the implementation of the early breast initiation process. The length of time that breast milk comes out the first time is the biggest cause of failure. To make matters worse, the family's perception that the cause of the baby crying is<br>because the milk is not coming out / not enough so formula milk needs to be given. This study aims to identify the effect of family- based education on the<br>implementation of early breastfeeding initiation. The research design uses quasi experiment, pre test and post test with control group design. Beginning with a pre- test for the two groups of respondents, then in the intervention group a family-based education (involving husband/1 other family member) about initiation of breastfeeding is done 3 times. The third stage is to do a post test on both groups. The number of respondents was 40 people in each group of 20 pregnant women. Data analysis using Wilcoxon test and Mann Whitney test. The results showed that there was a significant influence between family- based education on the implementation of early breast initiation (p value = 0.004). Naturally a healthy newborn can do the early breast initiation process, knowledge and<br>attitudes of the mother and family need to be improved. It is recommended that the application of family- based education to the implementation of early breast initiation to increase the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Determining Estimation Factor For Platelet Count Using Microscope With Field Number (Fn) 18 2021-06-09T16:54:37+00:00 Muhammad Ihsan Tarmizi <p>The estimation number of platelets has been determined based on the method of Barbara Brown (1976), namely multiplying the average platelet count per field of view of 100x objective enlargement with a number of 20,000/mm 3 . Modern microscope ocular lenses show a wide field of view, so the platelets will clearly be visible. The platelet count estimation factor will be more precise if it is determined based on the Field Number (FN) of the microscope. This study used EDTA blood samples to count the platelet counts using the Sysmex XS800i automatic cell counter, followed by making a blood smear and Wright's stain. To determine the mean platelet rate per objective field of view of 100x in zone V using an Olympus CX21 microscope. Furthermore, the ratio of platelet numbers and the average number of platelets per field of view was determined for each sample. The estimation factor is the total ratio obtained divided by the sample size. The number of samples is 64 samples. The estimation factor for the number of platelets obtained is 22, meaning that 1 platelet per field of view is equivalent to 22 x 109/L. Platelet count estimation can be used for reporting platelet count results if there is no equipment available for platelet count with the estimation factor<br>according to the FN microscope.</p> 2021-05-21T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##