Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (ABDIKEMAS) 2024-07-02T07:43:06+00:00 Sonlimar Mangunsong Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat</strong> (<strong>ABDIKEMA</strong>S) with <a href="">e-ISSN 2829-2669</a> and p-ISSN 2829-5838, is a journal published twice a year, June and December by the Center for Research and Community Service. ABDIKEMAS articles can be downloaded for free. This journal is a national scientific journal in the field of Community Service which is the result of dissemination of Community Service activities&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Pelaksanaan SPTK pada ODGJ dengan Gangguan Sensori Persepi (GPS) Halusinasi di Kelurahan Panorama Kota Bengkulu 2024-07-02T01:37:54+00:00 Dwi Putri Kurniawati Ega Deva Jenurti Sherina Deva Nitami Mia Dwi Kartika Yunengsih Deva Yunengsih Ravina Deva Tandon Ade Herman Surya Direja <p>Skizofrenia merupakan suatu penyakit neurologis yang mempengaruhi persepsi klien, cara berpikir, bahasa, emosi, dan perilaku sosialnya. Halusinasi adalah salah satu gejala gangguan jiwa dimana klien mengalami perubahan sensori persepsi, merasakansensasi palsu berupa suara, penglihatan, pengecapan, perabaan atau pengiduan. Klien merasakan stimulus yang sebetulnya tidak ada. Tujuan untuk mengetahui Membantu pasien mengenal halusinasi.Metode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah Pelaksanaan SPTK pada ODGJ Halusinasi yang dilakukan tempat kegiatan ini dilakukan di Kelurahan Panorama Kecamatan Singgaran Pati Kota Bengkulu. Sedangkan Waktu Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 28 Oktober 2023– 29 Oktober 2023. Setelah dilakukan kegiatan ini dapat mengatahui cara&nbsp; menghardik halusinasi upaya mengendalikan diri terhadap halusinasi dengan cara menolak halusinasi yang muncul. Pasien dilatih untuk mengatakan tidak terhadap halusinasi yang muncul atau tidak memerdulikan halusinasinya. bagaimana cara melakukannya secara mandiri</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> Skizofrenia,Halusinasi, Sensori dan persepsi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract </strong>&nbsp;</p> <p>Schizophrenia is a neurological disease that affects the client's perception, way of thinking, language, emotions and social behavior. Hallucinations are one of the symptoms of mental disorders where clients experience changes in sensory perception, feeling false sensations in the form of sound, sight, taste, touch or hearing. The client feels a stimulus that actually does not exist. The aim is to help patients recognize hallucinations. The method for carrying out this activity is the implementation of SPTK on ODGJ Hallucinations which is carried out where this activity is carried out in Panorama Village, Singgaran Pati District, Bengkulu City. Meanwhile, this research was carried out on October 28, 2023 - October 29, 2023. After carrying out this activity, you will be able to know how to rebuke hallucinations in an effort to control yourself against hallucinations by rejecting the hallucinations that appear. Patients are trained to say no to the hallucinations that appear or ignore their hallucinations. how to do it independently</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Schizophrenia,Hallucinations,</em> <em>Sensory and perception</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemberdayaan Kader Kesehatan: Gema Canting (Gerakan Masyarakat Cegah Stunting) dengan Pelatihan Penggunaan Infantometer 2024-07-02T02:04:52+00:00 Agus Sarwo Prayogi M. Primiaji Rialihanto Agus Kharmayana Rubaya Tri Siswati <p>Kabupaten Sleman berkomitmen untuk mendukung program pemerintah dalam mencapai target penurunan prevalensi <em>stunting </em>menjadi 14% pada 2024. Sebagai bentuk komitmen, Pemkab telah menetapkan sejumlah regulasi untuk akselerasi pencapaian target penurunan <em>stunting</em>. Salah satu Kapanewona yaitu Moyudan angka prevalensinya masih di atas target Kabupaten Sleman yaitu 9,91 %. Poltekkes kemenkes Yogyakarta berkomitmen turut serta dalam menurunkan angka stuntung, melalui Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kaji tindak dan pelatihan berupa pengukuran antropometri menggunakan infantometer karya dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Tujuan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, dan keterampilan kader tentang pencegahan&nbsp;<em>&nbsp;stunting&nbsp;</em>pada anak balita menggunakan infantometer. Pelatihan kader posyandu dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Oktober 2023. Khalayak sasaran &nbsp;adalah 20 orang kader posyandu di dusun Jitar Sumbersari Moyudan. Metode pelatihan menggunakan cara ceramah, diskusi dan praktikum. Sebagai tindak lanjut kegiatan pelatihan kader ini &nbsp;telah dilakukan kegiatan pendampingan dan evaluasi oleh tim Puskesmas Moyudan dan pada kegiatan <em>pelatihan yang diberikan kepada kader dapat meningkatkan keterampilan kader menggunakan infantometer pengukuran antropometri dalam pencegahan stunting</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Edukasi Kesehatan tentang Penyakit Tuberkulosis pada Peserta Klub Prolanis BPJS 2024-07-02T02:56:07+00:00 Wita Asmalinda Edy Sapada <p><em>Indonesia is the first country among the Hight Burden Countries(HBC) in the WHO South-East Asian region can to active global tuberculosis target for case detection and successful treatment. The type of community service carried out is Community Patnership Program (PKM) in the form of providing education/ counseling to participants of the Ibnu Sina Palembang Clinic’s BPJS Health Prolanis Club at total 20 participants running smoothly. This community service activity was carried out for 2 day ehich was used for educational preparation in the form og arranging a community service permit to Ibnu Sina Clinic prolanis club as a place for carring out community service, preparing the place, traning facilities and tools as wellas food and lunch for partisipans and organizers educational active All 20 participant can take part in the traning completion, namely from 15.00 a.m to 17.00 a.m. It can be concluded that education about Tuberculosisi can increase the knowledge and interest in learning of BPJS Health Club participants regarding Tuberculosis.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Inovasi Makanan Selingan Pempek Ikan Gabus Tepung Labu Kuning dan Jamur Tiram Putih: Kaya Energi, Protein, dan Antioksidan untuk Anak Sekolah 2024-07-02T03:55:44+00:00 Mardiana Mardiana Nurul Salasa Nilawati Yulianto Yulianto Della Rossa Sri Rezeki Firda Salsabila <p>Gizi kurang merupakan keadaan kurang gizi tingkat berat yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya konsumsi energi protein dari makanan sehari-hari dan terjadi dalam waktu cukup lama (Sodikin, 2013). Anak sekolah merupakan salah satu populasi yang paling rentan dalam hal gizi. Kekurangan dan kelebihan gizi pada anak akan berdampak negatif terhadap potensi pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Anak yang tidak mendapatkan gizi yang cukup akan tertinggal dalam perkembangan fisik, mental, dan intelektualnya. Kurangnya asupan makanan dan tingginya penyakit infeksi merupakan dua penyebab langsung gizi buruk yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor dan cukup kompleks (Rahmy et al., 2020). Pembuatan pempek identik dengan bahan utama ikan. Ikan yang biasanya digunakan adalah Ikan gabus yang memiliki kandungan protein 20 gr, lemak 1,5 gr, karbohidrat 0,2 gr, mineral 1,3 gr,dan air 77 gr. Agar kandungan gizi didalam pempek lebih banyak dapat juga ditambahkan dengan bahan lain, Penambahan tepung labu kuning yang tinggi antioksidan serta penambahan jamur tiram putih yang mempunyai kandungan protein tinggi dan asam amino esensial yang baik bagi anak (Aryadi, 2020).</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Kegawadaruratan Trauma Haemorrhage Antepartum di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Merdeka 2024-07-02T04:22:48+00:00 Ratna Ningsih Rosnani Rosnani Herawati Jaya <p><em>Women's reproductive health must be prioritized because women experience the life cycle of pregnancy and childbirth. This cycle can cause complications, one of which is pregnancy, namely bleeding, the incidence of antepartum bleeding/haemorrhage/ HAP is very vulnerable when you are still pregnant (Trimester I) which is often associated with abortion. The impact of abortion is that it causes pain and even death for the mother. The aim of this community service activity consists of long-term goals that will be achieved including living, growing, reproducing and being able to carry out normal activities, while the short-term goal is that pregnant women can understand the prevention of incomplete abortion and how to handle it. The activity received enthusiastic health cadres, and support from the Head of the Merdeka Community Health Center, Head of the Nursing Department, Lecturers, and Students of the D3 Nursing Study Program in Palembang, Poltekkes, Ministry of Health, Palembang, with the result that almost all cadres experienced an increase in knowledge after attending trauma emergency training: antepartum haemorrhagia/ HAP/ pregnancy bleeding : incomplete abortion.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Penerapan Relaksasi Otot Progresif bagi Mahasiswa Keperawatan dalam Menurunkan Kecemasan Pasca Evaluasi Semester 2024-07-02T04:49:28+00:00 Syokumawena Syokumawena Rumentalia Sulistini Devi Mediarti <p><em>Anxiety can be experienced by everyone from young to old. Anxiety experienced by students often occurs when students are faced with learning evaluations and end-of-program evaluations. Anxiety cannot be avoided and must be faced. To be able to overcome it, various relaxation techniques can be used, one of which is progressive muscle relaxation. In this service activity involved 30 nursing students who had completed the semester evaluation. They were given this therapy and evaluated for anxiety before and after. The results obtained decreased the number of students who were still anxious, namely 6 people with mild anxiety categories. With this action, students are more relaxed and ready to follow the next learning. </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pemanfaatan Kebun Tanaman Obat untuk Mencegah Penyakit Tidak Menular 2024-07-02T07:43:06+00:00 Sonlimar Mangunsong Marta Pastari Heni Sumastri Taufik Meidiansyah Pastati Beri Mas'ud Tiara Yani Afifah Rahmah <p>Herbal plants are plants that have been identified and known based on human observations to have compounds that are useful for preventing, curing disease, carrying out certain biological functions, and preventing insect and fungal attacks (Sapitri et al., 2022). With the many benefits that can be obtained from herbal plants, using your yard as a place to grow herbal plants will bring many benefits, especially for rural communities. Herbal plants do not require large areas of land, so planting them will make their cultivation very easy. The community will have plants that can be used to prevent and treat various diseases. So, people can avoid excessive use of chemical drugs (Pantur et al., 2022). The problem solutions offered in this community service activity are in the form of; a) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) I and II; explanation of program and technical activities with related parties (Pangkalan Benteng Village Government, Pangkalan Benteng Village Health Center and Poskesdes Officers, Pangkalan Benteng Village Posyandu Cadres, Community Leaders), b) Implementation of Activities; Socialization, Education and Assistance in Planting Herbal Plants and Their Use to Improve the Health and Economy of the Pangkalan Benteng Village Community for the Community and Health Cadres; Launching Examples of Herbal Plants (Family Medicinal Plants) planted in the grounds of the Pangkalan Benteng Village Office, c) Monitoring Evaluation; strengthening the sustainability of the program with the assistance of health cadres so that the activity objectives will be achieved (100% of the people of Pangkalan Benteng Village have herbal plants (family medicinal plants) in their respective yards and superior products emerge for the family economic ranking; information obtained through WAG with health cadres. Based on the achievement targets and activity results, it can be concluded that after the intervention was given, the results of the activities showed that; 80% of the people of Pangkalan Benteng Village who did not have herbal plants (family medicinal plants) in their yards, stated that they would start planting according to the information obtained from this activity; 100% of the people of Pangkalan Benteng Village already know how to optimize the benefits of herbal plants to improve the health status and economy of the family (100% of the family's superior herbal products have been educated and assisted regarding the use and processing of herbal plants (medicinal plants); family). As a follow-up to this activity, health cadres will accompany all heads of families in stages to plant herbal plants (family medicinal plants) in their respective yards and form small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to make superior herbal products for the people of Pangkalan Benteng Village to improve the economy. family.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##