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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Fill in the mobile number on the profile

Author Guidelines

Jurnal Kesehatan Farmasi is a national journal with p-ISSN (2829-3711); e-ISSN and published twice times each year (June and December) publishing manuscripts (Original research Article, review articles, and Short communication) on original work, either experimental or theoretical in the following areas: Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics, Community and Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Biology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology, and Alternative Medicines. 

The uploaded article is an article that has never been published before, and will never be published in whole or in part in a print/online version elsewhere.

General Requirement

The author who would like to submit manuscript to Jurnal Kesehatan Farmasi redaction should pay attention by following general requirement:

  • The manuscript that written should related with subject of Pharmacy Science.
  • The manuscript is original article (never published in other journal) as sources from the result of review or research.
  • Manuscript should be written in Indonesian or English.
  • The manuscript accompanied with abstract in Indonesian and English (bilingual if manuscript in Indonesian).
  • The manuscript accompanied with keywords in English.
  • The delivery of manuscript accompanied with biography of author, such as name, institution address (affiliation), and email address.
  • The manuscript sent via online submission in journal website which is Make a Submission with register by online as user.
  • The received manuscript would be selected by editor. If necessary, the manuscript would be edited through consultation with author. 

Fully written articles as appropriate Article Template

 The manuscript written with writing systematic as follows:

  • Title (Times New Roman 12, center) and maximum 15 words. The title should specific, clear, brief, informative, describing substance or content from writing, and can attract attention to read. Title should not be started with words “research/analysis/study”, except these words as main content. Title made in Indonesian and English (bilingual if manuscript in Indonesian).
  • Author name (Times New Roman 12). The author should use original name (not pseudonym) and not including title or degree. The author correspondence given asterik (*) sign.
  • Author affiliation (Times New Roman 12). Affiliation is an address institution which place of author working/study.
  • Correspondence (Times New Roman 12). Correspondence containing email address of correspondence author.
  • Abstract and Abstrak (Times New Roman 11). The content of abstract or abstrak (Times New Roman 11). Abstract made in Indonesian and English (bilingual if manuscript in Indonesian). Abstract consist of main ideas, purposes, methods, results and/or the result of review/research. Abstract written in form one paragraph, without references, without acronym, and without footnote. Abstract not written in form mathematics, questions, and presumptions. Abstract is not result of copy paste from sentences which have been in manuscript. The content of abstract should not excess of 250 words. Materials and methods in abstract are written in 3-5 sentences, research results are written 3-5 sentences and the conclusion is written in 1 sentence made in 1 (one) paragraph.
  • Keywords (Times New Roman 11) and keywords content (Times New Roman 11). Keywords should in English that suitable with thesaurus standard. The total of keywords minimum three keywords and maximum five keywords.
  • Introduction (Times New Roman 12). The content of introduction written with Times New Roman 11font. All references which used in manuscript (as citation sources), must be in references part. References/cites use ordering Arabic number system by using bracket [number], examples [1] if one reference; [2], [3] if two references; [4], [5], [6] if three or more references in which order; and [1], [4], [7] for not ordered number. References/cites number arranged based on reference order which first time found in article. The number of pages in the introduction is 1-1.5 pages or 3-5 paragraphs, each paragraph begins with a word that is indented into 5 digits. The final part of the introduction includes the research objectives.
  • Method and Materials (Times New Roman 12). The content of method written with Times New Roman 11 font. Method is collection work from implementation of research, start from implementation ways of data recruitment until data analysis. Paragraphs begin with words that are indented into 5 digits and may not use writing organization into sub-headings in this section, displayed in 1-2 paragraphs.
  • Result and Discussion (Times New Roman 12). The content of result and discussion made in one unified whole and written with Times New Roman 11 font. Result is not raw data, however using data which was processed/analysed with method was setting. Discussion is result comparation that obtained with concept/theory already exist. The content of result and discussion including statement, table, picture, diagram, graphic, sketch, and etc. 
  • Conclusion (Times New Roman 12). The content of conclusion written with Times New Roman 11font. Conclusion is overview from result of research has been conducted. Paragraphs begin with a word that is indented into 5 digits and may not use numbering. And displayed in 1 paragraph.
  • Acknowledgement (optional) (Times New Roman 12). The content of acknowledgement written with Times New Roman 11font.
  • Etic (optional) (Times New Roman 12). If using human and animal tested as research object. Write SK Etik number from etic commission.
  • Bibliography/References (Times New Roman 12). The content of bibliography written with Times New Roman 11 font. References is source of reference which used as citation of writing manuscript. Writing references using Number rules example [1]. Writing and arranging of references should using reference manager application such as Mendeley or Endnote. If using application, please may submitted with file references which used. The bibliography is written according to the Vancouver writing rules, a minimum of 80% of reference sources are in the form of literature published in the last 10 years. Reference sources in the form of journals from articles of at least 60% of the total bibliography. The references used are primary sources in the form of research articles in journals or research reports, related books or articles from official sources.

Writing Table and Figure

  • Table title (Times New Roman 11). The content of table written with Times New Roman 11 font. Table title written in the top of table. Table written continuously, examples Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, and so on. Table should be followed with table reference, if cited from other source.
  • Figure Title (including diagram, graphic, chart, sketch, prototype, database) (Times New Roman 11). Figure title written in the bottom of picture object. Object written continuously, example Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so on. Object should be followed with object reference, if cited from other source.
  • The maximum of Table and Figure is 10. For examples the table is 2, so the Figure allowed maximum 8.

Manuscript Delivery

Manuscripts are sent directly via the online system at Make a New Submission

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.