The Influence of the TANDUR Learning Model on the Ability of Nurse Practices in Wound Nursing Care at Dr. H. Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja OKU Hospital

  • Ni Ketut Sujati Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Baturaja
  • Aisyah Aisyah Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Baturaja
Keywords: TANDUR, Injury care


Abstract - Continuing education is needed by nurses to improve their cometry. Education will succeed when using appropriate and fun methods, which ensures participants practice learning by presenting high interest. The syntax of the TANDUR model is the following abbreviation, Grow learning interest by knowing what benefits it is for me, Experience all processes, name it by identifying all the terms that exist, Demonstrate so as to obtain a psychomotor experience, repeat so that the memory process is deeper and celebrated. Issues that develop in nursing services related to the need for improvement in nurse competence are modern wound care known as the principle of moisture balance. The method developed and proven to be more effective is moist dressing. The research objectives are: Analyzing the effectiveness of TANDUR learning on the ability of nurses' practice in wound care nursing with the principle of Moisture Balance at Dr. H Ibnu Sutowo Baturaja OKU Hospital. Research Method: This study uses a quasi experiment method. Samples were taken from a random population of nurses in 21 case groups and 21 control groups. The data analysis of this study used the dependent and Independent t test obtained the results of P 0, 033, meaning that the TANDUR learning model effectively improved the nurse's practice ability in wound care. TANDUR learning models can be used in any learning in all learning activities. It is recommended that nurses develop themselves by applying the TANDUR learning model to the process of developing practical abilities.
