Anuloma Viloma in Reducing Labor Pain First Stage
Efforts to apply maternal care for mothers include supporting mothers who will be giving birth by guiding mothers in relaxation techniques, one of which is breathing technique. At present there are still many problems with labor wherein women experience fears about the obvious or the unclear, tension and hyperventilation caused by the mother breathing deeply and quickly, so that the pain during contractions increases. According to several studies of mothers in the first stage, they experienced more pain in the waist and back, so the purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of aniloma viloma in reducing pain in the first stage of labor. This study was a quasi experiment nonequivalent control group. The dependent variable in this study was first stage labor pain and the independent variable was the villoma anuloma technique. The number of samples in this study were 28 people. Statistical tests using the two-sample T-test, the dependent sample t-test, then multivariate analysis, namely linear regression. Independent t-test results show that pregnant women who are older than 35 years slower 0.44 experience labor pain compared to pregnant women who are less than or equal to 35 years old. Statistical test results obtained that there is no relationship between maternal age during pregnancy and experiencing labor pain. This shows that there is no significant difference between labor pain in high-risk pregnant women and low-risk pregnant women (p value = 0.858).