The Effect of Addition of Pumpkin Yellow Seed Flour on Characteristics and Acceptance of Roll Cake

  • Eliza Eliza Polytechnic of Health Palembang
  • Risma Royanda Polytechnic of Health Palembang
  • Maisela Suciati Polytechnic of Health Palembang
  • Tiara Anggraini Polytechnic of Health Palembang
Keywords: Pumpkin seed flour, Roll cake, Nutritional value


Yellow pumpkin (curcubita moschata) is a plant whose meat is often used by the community as food, whether it is only processed through the steaming process or as an additional ingredient in various preparations. In addition to pumpkin flesh, there are pumpkin seeds which can also be used as food. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding pumpkin seed flour to the characteristics and acceptability of roll cake. This type of research used in this study is an experimental study using a Static Group Comparison research design with 4 treatments 100%: 0% (P0), 75%: 25% (P1), 50%: 50% (P2) and, 0 %: 100% (P3). Computerized dataprocessing is presented in the form of narration and tables. Data analysis was performed by SPSS. The results of this research show that P2 is the panel's most preferred sample with a hedonic assessment score of 4,55 color, taste 4,34 , texture 4,48, aroma 4,24 while the nutritional value of the sample consists of water content, ash content, fat content, protein content, and carbohydrate content respectively 44.37%; 1.22%; 10.97%; 10.39%; and 33.06%.The effect of adding pumpkin seed flour to organoleptic characteristics in the manufacture of roll cake has a very significant effect such as; color, taste, texture,flavour. Roll cake with the addition of pumpkin seed flour with a percentage of 50%: 50% has the highest level of preference over organoleptic parameters compared to other roll cake products.
