Power Analysis Received, Storage, Nutrition Content, Organoleptic Test and Jingga and Green Processing Processes For Balanced Nutrition Food 2018

  • Rohanta Siregar Nutrition Department Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Palembang
  • M Yusuf Nutrition Department Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Palembang
  • Susyani Susyani Nutrition Department Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Palembang
Keywords: pempek, carrot juice, spinach juice, nurition


Palembang's ethnic food quality in the form of pempek have a good nutritional content that can be increase its nutritional value in terms of the types of nutrients, namely by adding vitamin C, minerals, and fiber (many of which are found in vegetables and fruits) that have not been found in Palembang's ethnic Pempek food. The purpose of the research is to find out the acceptability and storage power, nutrient content, organoleptic test and proximate orange pempek and green toward balanced nutritional food. The research method is random sampling. The research activities included the determination of 60 panelists (Students of the Unsri Palembang Nutrition Study Program FKM) and 120 respondents from the academic capacity of the Unsri Palembang FKM nutrition study
program, held on 22,23,24 October 2018 and 29,30,31 October 2018. While the analysis with univariate and Bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was conducted to describe the data collected and grouped and analyzed with frequency distribution table. Bivariate analysis was used with Analysis Kruskall Wallis on
the next 5% tarf if the results showed significantly different followed by the Duncans Multi Range Test (DMRT) test with a level of 5%. The result of this test showing that there are difference between.
