Digital Devide An Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impact of Extended Internet Access to University Students During The COVID-19 Lockdown (A Case Study Of Yogyakarta State University)
Across the globe, it is has been reported that only a little over fifty percent of total households have internet connection. This situation is now being highlighted by the recent outbreak of the SARS CoV – 2 Coronavirus (COVID 19) which has sent the World‟s economy into a downward spiral. Its negative impact on education has seen schools and related businesses shut, while students are now compelled to study from the confines of their homes, many of whom do not
have access to the internet. This study examines the socioeconomic impact of the extended [free home-based] internet access provided by Yogyakarta State University, to her students during the COVID -19 lockdown. Convenience and snow-balling sampling techniques were used respectively in this study. Data was collected with the aid of an online questionnaire and descriptive statistics was employed in analyzing the data. The result confirms that the extended
internet access provided to students during the COVID -19 lockdown was successful and had a positive impact on the socio-economic lives of the students. The findings from this study will be beneficial to all relevant educational institutions and authorities that may wish to implement similar projects in the future especially amidst a pandemic.