• Saluna Deynilisa
  • Nur Adiba Hanum
  • Ismalayani Ismalayani


Dental and oral health is an important thing, so dental and oral health care efforts need to be fostered from an early age. The target or target of health education and health services aimed at a certain age group or population greatly determines the success of a health program. Therefore, the target of health education and health services aimed at school-age childrenSmall dentist cadres are students who meet the criteria and are trained to participate in carrying out some efforts to maintain and improve health for themselves, friends, family and the environment whose quality is continuously improved in order to achieve a goal, namely improving the quality of dental and oral health. The thing that underlies the importance of small dentist training activities is the school age community (6-18 years old) which makes up a large part of the Indonesian population (+ 29%), it is estimated that 50% of this number are school children, children in the middle ages. growth and development so that it is still easy to be fostered and guided (Entjang, 2000). The methods implemented are the formation of cadres, dental and oral health counseling, training and mentoring. The number of cadres in the SD is 12 students consisting of grades 3, 4 and 5. The extension methods used are lectures, demonstrations. The tools used are dental models, posters, props The expected results of this service are: 1) Increased knowledge of small dentist cadres about dental and oral caries and the skills of small dentists in carrying out simple dental examinations. 2) Increased knowledge, attitudes, actions of elementary school students so that they can support public health. 3) The product is "Guidebook for Small Dentist Cadres on Dental Caries".4) The product is "Student Dental and Oral Health Communication Book (BK2GMS)". 5) Small dentist cadre training certificate. This is proof that the student has conducted training for a cadre of school dentists, as well as giving awards to these students. 6) Final reports and articles that will be included as scientific publications in accredited journals after service.


Entjang, I,. 2000. Pendidikan Kesehatan Gigi. Jakarta: EGC.
Depkes, 2004, Profil Kesehatan Indonesia.
Depkes, RI, 1999, Tata Cara Kerja Pelayanan Asuhan Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut di Puskesmas
Trihono, 2013. Riset Kesehatan Dasar, Badan Pelatihan dan Pengembangan Kwesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan RI Tahun 2013, http://www.depkes Diakses 2 Februarai 2016
How to Cite
Deynilisa, S., Hanum, N., & Ismalayani, I. (2022). PELATIHAN KADER DOKTER GIGI KECIL TENTANG KARIES GIGI DI SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI 106 PALEMBANG. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (ABDIKEMAS), 1(Tahun), 16-19.