Author Guidelines

A. General Provisions

  1. The submission is an original work, free from any plagiarism, and less than 25% checked by Internet-based plagiarism detection service.

  2. The submission has not been published and has not been accepted for publication in other journals.

  3. The submission is typed in 2 spaces using quarto paper (A4); fonts of Times New Roman size 12; and the right, left, top, bottom margins of 2 cm.

  4. The submission is typed with one column layout.

  5. The submission is written in English in accordance with general guidelines or Bahasa Indonesia. However, it is highly recommended to submit the manuscript in English.

  6. The submission must be approved by all co-authors and relevant authorities (e.g. institution or sponsor).

  7. Please download the template to make your article match with our guidelines.

  8. The article does not exceed 4,500 words, including references (excluding appendix).

B. Systematic Writing of Original Article

  1. The title must be straightforward and informative, also specific and effective. consisting of 15-20 words.
  2. The author’s name (without an academic degree) is accompanied by affiliation, must include name, institutions, address and zip code, and country.
  3. The corresponding author's personal information such as mobile numbers, telephone, fax, and email address numbers must be clear and valid.


  1. The abstract is written in English. If the article uses Bahasa Indonesia, the abstract must be written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
  2. The abstract consists of max. 200 words that explain the objectives, brief methods, significant finding, and there should not be any references.
  3. Keywords are included in a maximum of six words.


  1. Background of study
  2. Provide a short review of the pertinent literature, state the originality of the research, and state the research objectives.
  3. Covers the factual and actual problems, challenges, or requirements needed by community-related to the research purposes.


  1. Describing the method used to solve problems, challenges, or problems, answer the research objectives.
  2. Data collection techniques (including sample selection techniques, validity, and reliability of data collection tools).
  3. Data analysis technique.
  4. Location, time, and duration of activities.

Result and Discussion

  1. Relevant documentation with a focus on community empowerment activities.
  2. For photos/images: the minimum resolution is 300 dpi with JPEG extensions (.jpg). Use image processing software to check dpi.
  3. Results must be presented correctly and accompanied by an explanation without reference to the literature. Original and important findings must be stated. Results must be illustrated with numbers or tables if necessary, but must be kept to a minimum. Detailed discussion, speculation, and interpretation of data are not included in the results, but in the discussion section.
  4. The discussion must interpret the findings expressed in the results obtained with the background of existing knowledge. The discussion must highlight a new perspective. Each assumption must be clearly stated. 


  1. Provide conclusions of the discussion.
  2. Mention the impact and benefits of community empowerment activities.
  3. Provide advice for further community empowerment.
  4. Produce new findings of theories, postulates, formulas, principles, methods, models, or prototypes supported by research data.


  1. Acknowledgement list consists of people who provided assistance during community empowerment activities.
  2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest must be clearly written when you (or your company or sponsor) have a financial, commercial, legal, or professional relationship with another organization, or with people who work with them, which contributed to your research.
  3. If funding was given through the grants from universities, colleges, or other research institutions, stated the name of the institution or organization that provided the funds.
  4. If there are no funders from a university, college, or other research institution, please include the following sentence: This study did not receive specific grants from funding agencies in the public sector, commercial, or non-profit section.


  1. References are written based on APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format.
  2. References are listed alphabetically.
  3. References only list literature that you have quoted in the text.
  4. Check details of references to actual sources. The author is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.
  5. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  6. Avoid using more than 40 and less than 10 references. The article should consist of 70% journal references and 30% book references. Journal references should be published at least 5 recent years.
  7. Authors are strongly urged to use a reference manager such as Zotero, Endnote, Refwoks, Reference Manager, or Mendeley to build their bibliography.