The quality of life for women is manifested in a healthy and fit condition throughout their ages. Causes of maternal death, including complications in pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Care for post partum mothers takes the form of home visits with a cultural approach. With the aim of nurses can make plans according to their conditions. The research method was started by looking at initiating, coaching, and evaluating through the G-Form (pre-post) to determine the results of coaching for cadres. Data were analyzed by dependent paired t-test. The results of the paired t-test showed a P-Value of 0.000. It can be concluded that there is an effect of training on MBC on cadres' knowledge. The results of the paired t-test for physical and psychological adaptation of the mother showed a P-Value of 0.002, which means that there is an effect of training on maternal knowledge about physical and psychological adaptation in postpartum mothers. Can be used as a guideline in providing suggestions for post partum care at home, as well as increasing the knowledge and skills of cadres in providing assistance and guidance for Palembang Culture-Based Mother Baby Care (MBC).
Keywords: Post partum, MBC, Palembang Culture
Abstrak- Kualitas hidup perempuan terwujud dalam kondisi sehat dan bugar disepanjang usia. Penyebab kematian ibu, diantaranya komplikasi dalam kehamilan, persalinan dan pasca melahirkan. Perawatan terhadap ibu post partum berbentuk kunjungan rumah dengan pendekatan budaya. Dengan tujuan perawat dapat membuat perencanaan sesuai dengan kondisi mereka. Metode penelitian dimulai dengan melihat pemasalaan, pembinaan, dan evaluasi melalui G-Form (pre-post) untuk mengetahui hasil pembinaan pada kader. Data dianalisis dengan dependen paired t-test. Hasil uji paired t-test diperoleh hasil P-Value 0,000 dapat disimpulkan ada pengaruh pemberian pelatihan tentang MBC terhadap pengetahuan kader. Hasil uji paired t-test adaptasi fisik dan psikologis ibu diperoleh hasil P-Value 0,002 berarti ada pengaruh pelatihan terhadap pengetahuan ibu tentang adaptasi fisik dan psikologis pada ibu nifas. Dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam memberikan usulan untuk melakukan perawatan ibu post partum di rumah, serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan kader dalam melakukan pendampingan dan bimbingan Mother Baby Care (MBC) Berbasis Budaya Palembang.
Kata kunci : Post partum, MBC, Budaya Palembang
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