Rights and Licenses

Rights and Licenses

Copyright Notice

Please find rights and licenses in Jurnal Sanitasi Lingkungan By submitting an article/article manuscript, the author agrees to this policy. No special document signing required.

1. License

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The Journal of Environmental Sanitation will disseminate published articles as freely as possible. Under a Creative Commons license, Journal of Environmental Sanitation permits users to copy, distribute, display and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only. Users also need to link authors and the Journal of Environmental Sanitation in distributing works in journals and other publication media. Unless stated otherwise, authors are public entities as soon as their articles are published.

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If the article is co-authored by more than one author, each author submitting the manuscript that he or she has been authorized by all co-authors to agree to this copyright and license notice (agreement) on their behalf, and agrees to notify the co-authors of the terms of the policy This. Journal of Environmental Sanitation will not be held responsible for anything that may arise due to the author's internal disputes. The Journal of Environmental Sanitation will only communicate with appropriate authors.

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Being an openly accessible journal and disseminating articles free of charge under the stated Creative Commons license period, the authors are aware that the Jurnal Sanitasi Lingkungan entitles the author to no royalties or other fees.

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