
Greetings from Jurnal Sanitasi Lingkungan, an open-access journal
We would like to introduce Jurnal Sanitasi Lingkungan. This journal is managed by the Sanitation Study Program, Department of Environmental Health, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Palembang, and on this occasion has published the latest edition, namely volume 3, number 1 which can be accessed at the following address
We invite lecturers, students or researchers to publish their research results in Jurnal Sanitasi Lingkungan via online submission at
Other information regarding writing guidelines can be accessed on our website at Template
We highly expect the participation of lecturers, students or researchers to develop environmental sanitation knowledge and expand "research transfer" of research results in Indonesia. We also want to say that we are committed to providing a quality review process and timely publication.

Best regards

Tim Editor