• Nendika Dyah Ayu Murika Sari Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Al. Supartinah Santoso Universitas Gadjah Mada
Keywords: palatoschisis, restoration, preparation for surgery


Background: Palatoschisis is a congenital anomaly characterized by the development of an anomalous opening or division in the palate. Children with palatoschisis commonly have abnormalities in the alveolar ridge, leading to impaired tooth growth and development and an increased risk of developing dental caries. Teeth with severe decay in the enamel or dentin need to be restored before having palatoschisis surgery. The purpose of this study was to report on restoration treatment for dental caries in children aged 6 years and 6 months to prepare for palatoplasty. Case report: The oral surgery department referred a child aged 6 years and 6 months for dental restoration treatment prior to cleft palate surgery. Treatment for cleft lip and palate closure has been completed. The ceiling gap had been closed eight times, yet it always reopened. Cleft lip and cleft palate surgeries have been performed since the baby was about 6 months old. The findings of the intraoral examination found that the def-t was 17. The treatment is to restore teeth that have been diagnosed with dentin caries. In the maxilla, isolation must be improved so that no material enters the cleft. It is recommended by experts to use a mouth mirror that does not fog up and is slightly slanted so that it is not exposed to air from the gaps. Radix and luxated teeth will be returned to the oral surgeon for extraction. Conclusion: Dental treatment for children with palatoschisis is critical, particularly in preparation for surgery. Restoration of maxillary teeth requires proper isolation, as well as the use of a mouth mirror that does not fog up or may be slanted to avoid exposure to air from the clefts.


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How to Cite
Sari, N. and Santoso, A. S. (2024) “DENTAL CARIES RESTORATION IN A 6-YEAR-OLD CHILD TO PREPARE FOR PALATOPLASTY: A CASE REPORT”, Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (JKGM), 6(2), pp. 7-14. doi: 10.36086/jkgm.v6i2.2303.