Hubungan Kadar Gula Darah Dengan Hipertensi pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Di RUmah Sakit Myria Palembang
Nowadays, diabetes melitus is known as one of common desease, This disease is caused by the rice of blood glukose level as result of the desease of progressive insulin secresion. Indonesia is now being in the fourth rank at the diabetic number after USA. China, and India worldwide. Many people know diabetes is commonly derived from any bad diet and life style, and it can mainly lead to any other diseases, such as hypertension, stroke, coronary heart, kidney failure, cataract, and even blindness. This research is particularly aimed to find the correlations between blood sugar level and hypertension inpatiens with diabetes mellitus tipe 2 in Myria Hospital Palembang. Analiytic survey was used with cross sectional approach. The respondents were 67 hospitalized patients. Automatic bio system A15 was and instrument used to measure the blood sugar level, while medical records were implemented to check the blood pressure. The Spearman correlation testshowedp=0.74, orp >0.05. (Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, r = - 0.47 ). There was no correlation between blood sugar level and hypertension inpatients with diabetes mellitus tipe 2 inMyria Hospital Palembang.
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