Public Ethics

Publication Ethics is a statement of code of ethics that must be followed and obeyed by the chief editor, editors, reviewers/reviewers and authors. The statement of ethics refers to the guidelines from COPE.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Chief Editor
1. Responsible for the data and information presented;
2. Evaluating and reporting journal activities;
3. Responsible for editing articles on a daily basis;
4. Establish policies and all editorial activities;
5. Make final edits before printing/online; Perform process quality assurance, prints and publications.

Duties and Responsibilities of the Managing Editor Edit
1. Select and improve manuscripts to be published;
2. Provide information to update data and substance for journal developments;
3. Fully responsible for the content of the rubric and editing. 

Obligations and Responsibilities of Bestari Reviewers/Partners
1. Assessing the submitted articles and sending back the results of the review to the editor;
2. Reviewers are not allowed to rate articles that involve themselves;
3. Maintain the author's privacy by not spreading the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations by providing criticism, suggestions, feedback, and recommendations;
4. Provide input to the author to improve the article under review; Ensure the principles of truth, novelty, and authenticity;
5. Prioritizing the benefits of writing for the development of science, technology, and innovation;
6. And understand the impact of writing on the development of science; Scientific articles are checked in a timely manner according to a predetermined writing style (data collection method, author's legality, conclusion, etc.)

Author's Obligations and Responsibilities
1. Ensure that the article is in accordance with the specified writing style;
2. Fully responsible for the articles that have been written; Include resources including direct and indirect funding;
3. Improve review results according to reviewer input and re-upload on time;
4. Notify the editor if you want to retract the uploaded article; Make a statement that the article submitted is an original article and has never been published.