Pubication Ethic

Publication Ethics is formulated based on COPE'S Best Practice Guidelines (Committe on Publication Ethics) and LIPI Regulation number 5 of 2014 concerning scientific publication code of ethics. This scientific publication ethic upholds the ethical values of publication, namely neutrality,(being free from conflicts of interest in publication), fairness (fulfilling authorship rights as an author/writer, and honesty (namely being free from duplication, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism in publications).
Publication Ethics is a code of ethics that binds all parties involved in the publication process of this fellowship scientific journal including the team of editors (leaders and editors), internal reviewers, external (bestari partners) and authors.
To implement publication ethics, the following duties and responsibilities are presented in publication:

Editor in Chief
1. Responsible for planning Journal publication activities
2. Organizing the activities of the publication process, to editors, reviewers and writers
3. Responsible for managing published data and information
4. Responsible for editorial activities and publication process mechanisms
5. Perform final editing and printing or online processing of articles
6. Evaluate and report nursing journal activities
7. Make efforts to maintain quality, input, process and output in journal publication activities

1. Perform editing or edits on the topic of the article submitted by the author and conformity with the guidelines.
2. Submitting articles that have passed the initial editing to get reviews from reviewers through the double blind peer reviewers.
3. Communicating with the author to make efforts to improve the manuscript in accordance with the guidelines and the results of the review from the reviewers.
4. Responsible for the content of the rubric and the editing process that is his responsibility.
5. Evaluate articles without regard to the author's race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy.
6.Help the editor-in-chief to collect data and information needed in the development of the journal

1. Reviewing articles that have passed the initial selection process from the editor.
2. Article review is not permitted for articles involving himself either directly or indirectly.
3. Maintain the privacy of the author and his writing by not disseminating the results of corrections, criticisms, suggestions and recommendations for improving the article.
4. Delivering the results of the review as material for determining the feasibility of a scientific article for article publication and encouraging the author to make improvements to the article.
5. Guarantee the principles of truth, novelty and authenticity; prioritizing the benefits of writing for the development of science, technology, and innovation; and understand the impact of writing on the development of science.
6. Scientific articles are reviewed in a timely manner in accordance with published guidelines (circumference style) and based on scientific principles.

1. Ensure that those included in the list of authors meet the criteria as writers.
2. Responsible collectively for research articles published in journals.
3. Respond to comments and corrections made by reviewers in a professional and timely manner in completing the review results.
4. Inform the editor if the submitted article will then be withdrawn.
5. Make a stamped statement that the paper submitted for publication is original, has never been published anywhere in any language, and is not in the process of being submitted to another journal